Sunshine...Buff Cochin
Originally uploaded by Creativemuse
Sunshine...Buff Cochin
Well we have been balancing I should say juggling AllStar Practice 5 days a week, Fun bonding Adventures for the Team, Regular School, Boyscouts,girlscouts,Mom's Club, New contest Biggest Loser Challenge, Messy home, Chickens,Dogs, The list really goes on but it ebbs and flows. Writing this I hear 4 little 4yo princess shoes clacking down the hardwood floors.Yes making a mess but bonding as a little Thong does with the Stories they Create and live.
Speaking of Creating and Messes...WE have been out in the yard weeding for the last 3 weeks, Every few days hours at a time, a wedge section of the yard where we have NOW planted a SUNFLOWER TEEPEE/FORT. While mom's 1ft and a half deep underground chasing crabgrass runners wondering how did these get here...we have unleased the 8 chickens play around in the yard. We chase, capture, put on the slide, make king of the sand box, and giggle these sweet chickens. We like to walk into the house with the Garden boots on. so while our tenny shoes aren't muddy the kitchen the "Welcome ROom" and bathrooms if I don't catch them in time are all transformed into chocolatey,sandy brown.
THere's got to be some way to get all of this done with style right? Well sending thankful thoughts for the Sweet chicks and Dogs we have.