div>Now 2 very intimately connected twins together they don't think of the same 1/2 of the idea but these two little ones think of the mirroring or completing half of the idea and My girls make Synergy....Now add this CREATIVEMUSE mom who is also a leathel idealist...Oh wait I'm the "It doesn't HELP when you have a...." Perfectionist/Idealistic/Creative/QUeenie(ie I don't WANT to do the dishes) Mom starting it all off.
Oh Mommy didn't read the disclosure of no WHIPPED Frostings...so my ducks were drippy messes...while I cleaned up they helped themselves to 2 mini (for the eyes)m&m containers sorting the colors for me and eating the ones they thought wouldn't help the project.....
So my Friends you can call me MENTAL since I had to feed hubby so he could see little dude kick a board in half ,while I hosted another class with a friend . We did sit with the Kindergatners/first graders and some 4th graders for a sit QUIEt/be Still show of our Ojai Raptors...the sugar was waiting to take effect....we then came home packed up/feed big sis for Playoff Game ...ate dinner Went to twins open house...With12 not 24 cuppies simply frosted with yellow icing and sprinkled with flowers...then Dad and big boy Split to Pinewood Derby
we left to the game then to the derby then HOME. Everyone was tired....no rest for the weekend it was busier...Donut Team Party for twins, Home run Tball derby...Wedding And Tea to prepare to for Sunday..friends playoff game/BBq at Nana's then Sunday Help Mothersday tea leave mid tea and go to Wedding..Yes I said you could call me MENTAL....I'm so tired I'm Ready for the WEEK Lol!
My on going mission to Creatively try to incorperate ways of BALANCe for Me and Ultimately my Family... lesson learned this weekend NO over booking (sometimes it can't be helped),...Keep it Simple (not stark simple and lovely....),Keep it up...just doing little chunks daily will help things flow and not back up.......I'm off to lovinly do Laundry,Wash dishes, Play with the girls make lunch and do a Home BLESSING HOUR...I'll be sining a Grateful Song that my Life is so Full and Loving...I LOVE LIFE AND LIFE LOVES ME....Louise Hayhttp://hayhouse.com/
PS we got the call last night that big sis is on THE GOLD ALLSTARS!! YEAH
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